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12 everyday phrases that you're probably saying incorrectly
Here are 12 everyday phrases you might be saying incorrectly.
- Some people say, "I could care less." It's actually, "I couldn't care less."
- Some people say, "one in the same." It's actually, "one and the same."
- Some people say, "on accident." It's actually, "by accident."
- Some people say, "wreck havoc." It's actually, "wreak havoc."
- Some people say, "for all intensive purposes." It's actually, "for all intents and purposes."
- Some people say, "should of." It's actually, "should have."
- Some people say, "case and point." It's actually, "case in point."
- Some people say, "you've got another thing coming." It's actually, "you've got another think coming."
- Some people say, "fall by the waste side." It's actually, "fall by the wayside."
- Some people say, "deep-seeded." It's actually, "deep-seated."
- Some people say, "statue of limitations." It's actually, "statute of limitations."
- Some people say, "daylight-savings." It's actually, "daylight-saving."
Source: businessinsider.com
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